99 Forever Sydney Guildford Brothel(99 成人会馆)

185 Military Rd Guilford, NSW 2161, Australia


Adult Massage, Full Service
Asian, Non Asian


Welcome to 99 Forever Guildford Brothel, one of the leading bordello and adult entertainment parlour near Guildford train station. If you are looking for a young lady to serve you with wonderful extra services, come and visit us. Our ladies not only young and beautiful, but also really good at serving and stimulating. You will be served as a king here in 99 Forever. If you have any preferences about the dressing or services, please feel free to contact us before you come, our gorgeous ladies will dedicate to satisfy you by providing extra for free. In order to provide the best erotic experience in 99 Forever, we are now offering all adult service from $65 and double special, our ladies are not only young and beautiful but also provide excellent extra services for free. We have a high standard for keeping the quality of our services, our ladies are definitely young and provide absolutely best adult service, please feel free to come at No.185 Guildford brothel


99 Forever Sydney Guildford Brothel(99 成人会馆) is located at 185 Military Rd Guilford, NSW 2161, Australia, with Asian, Non Asian girls, They provide Adult Massage, Full Service. please call (02) 9632 5888. Visit the website http://sydneyasianbrothel.com.au for more information.
